Friday, June 30, 2023

The Great God is of Unimaginable Generosity and Glory and Gratefulness

The City of Michael

As ye advance thyselves by choices and motivations of righteousness and dignity, so shall you birth the possession of a new courage and an  augmented spiritual power to restore thine personhood in alignment with truth. 

The gospel of the kingdom when lived as the ideal of deliverance is to set humankind free and inspire all believing individuals to dare to hope for eternal life through their candidacy for Universe Citizenship.

The kingdom of heaven shall begin with, and be centered in, the dual concept of the truth of the parenthood of God and the correlated fact of the fellowhood of humankind. 

The acceptance of mine gospel proclamations is thine declaration of liberty for thine existence. It shall establish liberty for every individual who aspires to doeth the will of Paradise.

Humanity shall gradually becometh elevated from primitive impulses and the primate influence of their origins .. from the age-long bondage of animal fear and rebellious-laden doubts and suspicions.

The ascent unto Adjuster union shall  enrich human living with the endowments of the new life of spiritual liberty through grace and the unimaginable generosity of the One Parenthood Creator of all.

Michael Of Nebadon
The Planetary Urantia
The City of Michael