Sunday, November 18, 2018

The Salvington Family

Dear Family of Salvington!

It is with great enjoyment that we announce our very first Digital Newsletter of Salvington..

How amazing and wonderful that is!

Our vision and desirous intention is to build an online thriving Community and Organizational Central Hub to weave and connect all the Public Activities and Communities together.

Life at Salvington will be about all the students of Salvington.. It is our aim to connect personal revelations with the Ideal of Salvington where you can share your daily personal life events... what's present with you.. what your hobbies are, activities outside of Salvington, your family life etc.

The lives and uniqueness of each one of us, will thread itself through the Tapestry of our Online Community and Worldwide Brotherhood.

Write us your newly discovered insights... examples might be: enriching and sharing your realizations and perceptions of yourself and the Life around you..

Each one of us has personal God given gifts and we all would love to know about these... some may be grand and others very small and simple yet both are exceptional and precious that can inspire many. We would love to know more about each person here... free to share your talents and gifts.

We would all love to know about your personal hobbies, maybe you play sports, have kids who play sports, what kind of a job do you have... simple daily living is what we want to know... This is about creating and deepening our relationships with each other...

There will be sections for Arts, Culture, Music, Literature and upcoming Public Activities and Events with Christ Michael.

Read and contemplate portions of Christ Michael's teachings and writings, giving your own personal experience of the Three Infinite Persons:

The Ineffable Glory of the Universal Father

The Living Vine of Eternity of the Son

The Luminous Fire Of Infinity of the Immaculate Spirit

We ask for your help and service by contributing to this newsletter...As we share and create this newsletter together, Salvington evolves more as a Universal Family, and it is our intention to get closer to each and every person here.

Bring forward your personality and individuality... your own true expression of life here, as we all hold hands together expanding the Kingdom of God in each of us and every living heart.

Let's all have fun learning about each other... if you have any questions on how you can participate and share your "life" with the Salvington Family, please reach out to our team.

God's blessings to each of you!
Your Friends...