Wednesday, July 31, 2019

The Gentleness of the Everlasting Breeze of Love

Woe unto you as all the world shall speak in praise of you...

The world hath never spoken in praise of women and men who live within the Holy Breath of the Absoluteness; for this world society speaks in praise of prophets who art phony and false .. it raises upwards the tyrants and oppressors of Life and Love .. the world climate hath an attraction in praise of the ludicrous and ridiculous ones who attempt to maketh a mockery of the Holy One.

You men and women who walk towards the Holy Breath of the Universal One .. you are the foundation of all the world .. you are the virtuous ones who are wholeheartedly motivated to bring forth all those Trinitarian values which the civilization hungers for.

I sayeth unto they with righteousness of ear and rectitude of heart .. a city on a hilltop shall not be hidden; for its light are seen from afar, and whilst ye stand upon the mountaintops of human consciousness .. all men and women shall see your Life and Light .. and they shall knoweth that ye art a beacon of reality for all to imitate and aspire towards.

All creatures .. ye shall light thine lamp of the soul .. and ye shall not hide it in a casket for only the dead and dying to bear witness .. but ye shall place it on its rightful stand that it may alight the world with Truth, Justice, Vulnerability and Humility.

Michael Of Nebadon