Thursday, January 13, 2022

New Beginnings

“Verily do I reveal to you the Way of the Trinity Source …

Begin by accepting thyself exactly where you are in your progressive development. It is essential that ye do this in attitude and overall character.

Acceptance is one of the Cardinal Volitions of My Holy Comforter Spirit.

Acceptance allows you to embrace yourself precisely where you are in your advancement. It bringeth the real and the true to thy doorstep.

Acceptance carries the seeker of truth further along the way .. and acceptance of the present moment awakens the disciple towards our eternal religious relationship.

Acceptance empowers the individual student to gain receptivity for advancement in truth and accountability.

…and are these character empowerments not the way of the apostleship of ascendancy?

I am thine Universe Father Son of Paradise Trinity origins. I guide this .. our home universe .. towards righteousness and remembrance.

I give you the greater portion of the Life of God the Spirit Life .. only as you earn that capacity to embody it; for this One Life is your Godhood which ye shall prepare thyselves to receive.

Michael Of Nebadon
University Of Salvington”